Mentoring Programs

Inner Freedom mentoring

Rp 12million per month

This mentorship is designed to support individual seekers in their personal transformation journey and awakening. This is a wisdom based program with the vision to empower the participants into their own realizations of the truth. This program will expand your consciousness and help you discover a more free inner state and a happy life. This program offers simple and enjoyable tools, wisdom stories and powerful teachings to gain clarity and self-knowledge. It uses wisdom, processes and meditations to support the participants in seeing their truth and discovering inner freedom. This is a 6-12 month program. There are 4 calls a month with Niki Kapoor. Participants get personalized attention and connection with Niki in going deep into their transformation.

What people are saying

If you want your life to change in the highest way possible, work with Niki! Niki is the most loving and supportive teacher I have ever known. Once you work with Niki or take her courses, you will change in ways that you didn't even know were possible. Niki will guide you to your true self and she is a true blessing!

For more information and to see if this program is a fit for you please Contact Us

The way of the wise group mentoring

Group: Rp 4million per month

Wisdom is Presence moving through us. At the core of our being is an ocean of wisdom. If we learnt o tap into this ocean life moves flawlessly. The way of the wise Group mentoring is designed to help you dive into this ocean of inner-wisdom and Presence.

What people are saying:

"Since mentoring with Niki, all of my relationships have greatly improved, and my life has become much richer, simpler and full of ease. When I take stock, I realize how remarkable the contrast is!" Mary V, NM

For more info and dates for the next The way of the wise group program please Contact Us

Compassionate Leader

Rp 20million per month

This mentorship program is designed to support those who are driven by their passion and purpose. It is a useful program for CEOs, Leaders of organizations, wealth generators, visionaries and influencers. These are people who follow their passion and have the ability to create impact on many lives. When passion is the driving force in one's life, spiritual journey has a very different focus. Passion is the fuel that guides this seeker.

Often people who are driven by passion keep facing obstacles or high levels of stress in their endeavors. Often tools to move out of such situations are not easily accessible. This happens because of the working of the mind, programs and limited consciousness. Once the programs, limitations, and blocks are cleared the pathway for their passion and vision becomes effortless. The vision becomes clearer and a higher intelligence takes over. In this state the ability to fulfill their mission on a grand scale is a lot more likely. Passion Driven visionaries have a role to play for the whole. Once they access inner freedom they are able to do their work and impact lives with greater ease.

Through clear wisdom and processes the mentorship supports the participant to expand their consciousness and perceive situations in a new and clear way. The actions that come from this state are different and very powerful. The visionaries are then able to become very present and impactful leaders who hold a very expanded view.

This is a 12 Month program. There are weekly one-on-one sessions where participants are supported by Niki Kapoor in their unique transformation journey. A clear plan is laid out for each participant and a clear vision is set for their transformation. Each program is created to suit the individual.

For more info and dates for the next The way of the wise group program please Contact Us